The widely popular and purportedly “natural” sports supplement known as Craze has recently lost much of its marketability with the unveiling of evidence which suggests that the supplement contains a banned stimulant known as diethyl-phenylethylamine. Suspicions arose after several credible athletes failed their urine tests and were disqualified from competitions. The disqualified athletes, all of whom identified themselves as Craze users, had one on thing in common: they all tested positive for the new methamphetamine analog, diethyl-phenylethylamine.
A recent article published ahead of print in the Journal of Drug Testing and Analysis details the study of three samples from various lot numbers of Craze. Each sample was carefully analyzed for the presence and concentration of diethyl-phenylethylamine. Instruments such as an ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC), an LTQ Orbitrap XL mass spectrometer, and a UHPLC-quadruple-time-of-flight mass (Q-TOF) spectrometer were all used to conduct the tests. The results, which were obtained through the use of nuclear magnetic resonance and reference standards, found that the manufacturer’s recommended serving of the supplement provides between 21 and 35mg of diethyl-phenylethylamine, which has never been studied in the human body.
As of now, the compound’s addictive and stimulating side effects on the human body remain unknown. Based upon the results of the study (all three lots of Craze were found to contain diethyl-phenylethylamine) , regulatory agencies have been advised to act with urgency in warning consumers of the potential dangers associated with use of the sports supplement, Craze. At the conclusion of the study, it was also suggested that regulatory agencies expeditiously remove diethyl-phenylethylamine from all dietary supplements.
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