What Populations Are More Vulnerable to Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abusers in California may target a range of individuals across various demographics, but certain populations may be more vulnerable to the risk of experiencing sexual abuse. Recognizing factors that may impact the chances of you or someone you know experiencing sexual abuse in California can help you take preventive measures for safety. Every individual deserves the right to a safe environment free from the mental and physical impacts of sexual predators and abuse in California. The following statistics provide an overview of sexual abuse and vulnerable populations.

Sexual Abuse and Vulnerable Populations

The age and sex of an individual in California may play a crucial role in the potential to experience sexual abuse. Additionally, your connection to a sexual abuser is also a predictor of the potential to experience sexual abuse. According to statistics provided by the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN):

  • Females under 18 account for 82% of sexual abuse survivors
  • Survivors of rape, attempted rape, or sexual assault or four times more likely than the general population to be females aged 16-19
  • Sexual abusers are acquainted with 59% of sexual abuse survivors and are family members of 34% of sexual abuse survivors in child populations

Surprisingly, only 7% of child sexual abuse cases involve a stranger. Sexual abuse involving children may occur in environments that are considered safe, such as summer camps and churches in California.

Adult Populations Vulnerable to Sexual Abuse

The prevalence of sexual abuse, assault, and violence increases within certain populations as individuals mature. Again, age may play a role in the increased potential of sexual abuse as well as gender identity. According to a study produced by the National Library of Medicine on the LGBTQ+ community:

  • Ethnic minorities identifying as transwomen of color are the most vulnerable individuals to sexual abuse in these communities
  • women identifying as lesbians are also vulnerable to forms of sexual abuse or assault

The study states that individuals in the college-aged LGBTQ+ community are less likely to report an incidence of sexual abuse than their peers, with as many as 90% of student sexual assaults remaining unreported.

Cases of elderly sexual abuse in California also often remain unreported. Cognitive decline poses challenges for individuals to express incidents of sexual abuse. They may also be unaware the abuse is occurring. Most cases of elderly sexual abuse are discovered through a physical examination or when an older adult’s behavior changes suddenly and dramatically.

Intellectual Disabilities May Increase Vulnerability to Sexual Abuse

Unpublished data on sex crimes by the Department of Justice and reported by National Public Radio (NPR) describe the vulnerabilities to sexual abuse of people with intellectual disabilities. According to the unpublished data:

  • Individuals with intellectual disabilities experience sexual abuse or assault at rates seven times higher than that of other individuals.
  • People with intellectual disabilities are often targeted because the abuse frequently goes unpunished.
  • Every moment of each day presents a heightened risk of sexual abuse to people with intellectual disabilities, with these crimes most often committed by someone they know and in the daytime.

Advocacy for populations who are vulnerable to sexual abuse in California is imperative. While often legally challenging, representing vulnerable populations is a critical avenue to sexual abuse prevention. You deserve the right to be heard if you or someone you care for experiences sexual abuse in California.