The Boy Scouts of America, an organization that was founded in 1910, is an organization that individuals trust to teach their children positive morals and key skills. Yet, the Boy Scout Perversion Files Database shows that there has been a long history of abuse within the organization. Understanding what these files are and how they may impact you is essential. Talk to a California child sexual abuse attorney today from The Senators Firm.
What Are the Perversion Files?
Also called the Ineligible Volunteer Files, the documents within the Perversion Files clearly demonstrate the organization’s recognition of the risks present. The files were created by the Boy Scouts during the period of 1965 through 1985. These files were made public by a court order in the State of Oregon in a ruling related to Lewis vs. Boy Scouts of America, Case No. 0710-11294.
Within the files, they redacted the names of the victims as well as the reporting party. However, the files contained allegations of child sexual abuse. Some of those allegations were substantiated by court proceedings, though that did not occur in all situations. What this file shows is that the Boy Scouts of America and its affiliated organizations knew of the risks of potential child abuse occurring and did not take action to prevent it.
The files had various names over the years, including “Red Flag Files” and “Confidential Files.” The files contained reports created by troops and sent to the main office. It listed the scout leaders who engaged in some type of sexual misconduct, including sexually abusing or molesting the boys.
The documents made it clear who was engaging in these actions, that most that did so were single males, and that most of the events occurred during scouting events. Allegations included that the leaders would gain the child’s trust by providing support through merit badges or other scouting exercises. They would then draw them in and molest them. The events often happened when leaders were along with boys and often would show significant interest in the boys outside of scouting activities, even becoming friends with the families. Some babysat the kids, took them to school, or otherwise spent a significant amount of time with them.
In many ways, these files became one of the most important tools that the law had in showing that the Boy Scouts of America recognized the risks to the boys present, could tell where it was occurring, what type of situations led to it, and when it was occurring. From the period of the files alone, it is estimated that as many as 50 boys a year were victimized in some way.
Were You a Victim? Let Our Legal Team Help You Today
If you are unsure of what your legal rights are in any type of sexual misconduct case, whether it is related to the Boy Scouts or any other group or organization, we encourage you to reach out to us immediately. The Senators Firm is trusted, experienced, and recognized as an aggressive legal team ready to fight for our clients. We offer a free consultation to help you learn more.