It was not long ago that Craze was added to the list of nominees for the 2013 Pre-Workout Supplement of the Year. Now, leading sports supplement retailers across the country are suspending sales of the product after a scathing review of the product’s maker that was posted in USA Today. In light of the serious allegations which suggest that Craze carries ingredients that were not mentioned on the labeling, and many other retailers like it are quickly pulling away from the product.
In tests conducted by the United States Anti-Doping Agency, amphetamine-like compounds were found in samples of the Craze product. The U.S. Doping Agency was not the only one to make such findings, either. A lab that was hired by a competitor in the industry also found similar detections in the sports supplement. Despite these findings, the maker of Craze, Driven Sports, has continued to vehemently deny all allegations which suggest that their product does in fact contain amphetamines. The company has gone so far as to post test results from an outside lab on their website, the findings of which suggest that there is no room for question that the product might not be “clean.”
Given the history of the product’s maker, M. Cahill, the suspicions that have recently surfaced in connected with Craze seem all the more viable. According to several well-documented reports, the supplement designer has a long history of marketing notoriously risky products. However, the maker continues to claim that Craze is a safe and legal supplement and the recent adverse attention that has been cast upon the sports supplement is nothing short of disappointing.
All of Cahill’s claims, however, seem to go directly against the actions of many national retailers throughout the United States. Along with, superstore and mega online presence,, has also suspended their sales of Craze. Senator D. Durbin, D-Ill. has also come out strong against use of the supplement, and referenced the USA Today article several times to announce his reintroduction of a bill that would effectively strengthen government oversight of supplements, even those which have already been registered with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Certainly such purposeful acts cannot be viewed as unwarranted. In any case, it most definitely leaves both consumers and professionals wondering how to move forward.
At The Senators Firm, we too are invested in learning more about the further details of this issue, as we see serious legal problems in the findings that have already been brought to light. Not only is there a significant risk of injury to those individuals who religiously take the supplement, but there is also the concern of misrepresentation about the ingredients of the product. As our California dietary supplement lawyers have duly noted, allegations against Craze’s maker do not claim that the product actually contains steroids. Rather, the issue lies in the undisclosed amounts of an amphetamine-like substance, which could call for consumer fraud class action in the event that a consumer purchased – but was not harmed – by the product.
It was only last week that we blogged about thefirst suspicious findings related to the Craze product, and already more information has been revealed. It’s likely that more information will continue to surface in connection with the findings that have already been revealed. As more and more is unearthed about the true ingredients of the Craze supplement, we will be closely following the stories that unravel, and we will always be here to offer our professional legal support to anyone who might have been harmed by use of the product. If you would like more information about fraud class action lawsuits or personal injury claims in general, you can contact a California dietary supplement attorney at our office for a free and confidential case evaluation.