Court Documents Suggest Bayer Neglected to Add Vital Information to New Drug Applications

Amidst the onslaught of controversy surrounding fourth generation oral contraceptives, new findings lend weight to the long-suspected link between newer birth control pills and severe, life-threatening blood clots. According to the former head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Bayer may have purposely deceived U.S. regulators by neglecting to inform them of…

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Jeep Fire Lawsuit

Believed by millions to be a safe and luxurious means of transportation, Jeep has established itself as a prominent member of the automotive industry. Their adventurous approach in creating sport utility vehicles (SUVs) has made them one of the most beloved companies in America. Of significant concern, however, are recent reports made by government…

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Child Molestation Epidemic Plagues Hollywood

It appears that no industry or organization is impervious to harboring sexual deviants. Following a spate of sexual abuse allegations against coaches, priests, teachers, and several other influential figureheads, Hollywood may prove to be the most recent victim in an epidemic sweeping the country. The past two weeks have witnessed three individual reports of…

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Variety in Fungal Meningitis Symptoms Poses Problems For Doctors

In the wake of a recent fungal meningitis outbreak, concern is growing over the reactions people are experiencing following the injection of New England Compounding Center’s Methylprednisolone Acetate. Subsequently, those exposed to the contaminated epidural steroid injections are not exhibiting symptoms that are typically synonymous with a fungal meningitis diagnosis. Patients have reportedly experienced…

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FDA Makes Their Presence Felt In a Tainted Dietary Supplement Industry

In regards to the growing concern of tainted dietary supplements, officials at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) want to be clear in their intentions. Subsequently, they have announced that ridding the industry of products containing undisclosed active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is a top priority warranting their full attention. According to the American…

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Federal Regulators Warn Seven Dietary Supplement Manufacturers For Making Fraudulent Claims

In a continuous effort to rid the market of potentially hazardous drugs, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently requested numerous companies to halt the production and distribution of an unproven weight loss remedy. Subsequently, a total of seven manufacturers received warning letters from the FDA, demanding that they stop selling homeopathic…

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European Health Regulators Look to FDA for Guidance on DMAA

The European Union is poised to follow the U.S. Food & Drug Administration’s lead in regulating the sale of DMAA-containing dietary supplements. Pressure has been building in the United States and Europe to ban the controversial ingredient, as numerous adverse events have been reported and questions over the stimulant’s source remain unanswered. In recent…

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PCC: Collaboration Between Agencies Hopes to Prevent Future Epidemics of Performance-Enhancing Drug Use

Representatives from several organizations, responsible for anti-doping practices in sports, have convened to address the chronic use of performance-enhancing drugs that have plagued the industry for the greater part of recent decades. The meeting, last week, represented an unlikely front against the use of illegal steroids throughout the sports world. While a stubborn tradition…

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