Propecia® Body Disfigurement Lawyer & Lawsuit

Body disfigurement is an all-encompassing phrase that refers to having one’s appearance negatively and persistently altered. While disfigurement can occur on any location of the body, its effects often coincide with severe psychological problems such as a negative body image, depression, and difficulties in an individual’s social and sexual lifestyle. Unfortunately, the introduction of…

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Disturbing Trend Witnesses Sexual Abuse Target Vulnerable Children

Recent sexual transgressions committed by teachers at Miramonte Elementary School served as a tragic reminder to the influx of sexual abuse cases plaguing our nation’s youth. The lewd and salacious acts committed by Martin Springer and Mark Berndt resemble those of the Penn State tragedy that transpired just months ago. Each situation personified the…

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Military Investigation Links DMAA to the Deaths of Two United States Soldiers

December 6, 2011 witnessed the United States Military place a temporary moratorium on the sales of several popular weight-loss and body building supplements. Subsequently, these actions are due in part to the allegedly dangerous ingredient Dimethylamylamine (DMAA), which researchers believe may be linked to the deaths of two United States soldiers. Toxicology reports revealed…

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Jack3d Lawyer & Lawsuit

As a dietary supplement that promises users the ability to boost energy during a workout or any physical activity, Jack3d has been the beneficiary of increasing popularity. Subsequently, the increased energy and efficiency that result from taking Jack3d may significantly increase muscle mass and stamina, while simultaneously reducing body fat. However, the benefits exhibited…

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OxyElite Pro Lawyer & Lawsuit

OxyElite Pro was specifically developed to assist in the reduction of unwanted body fat. While OxyElite Pro has demonstrated, with minimal success, in the eradication of body fat, it is not without significant concern. If you or a loved one has experienced liver damage after using OxyElite Pro, you should contact our lawyers immediately…

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DMAA Party Pills Lawsuit

As an ingredient widely used in the dietary supplement industry, Dimethylamylamine (DMAA) has demonstrated a unique ability to increase an individual’s focus and energy. Subsequently, these side effects are intended to translate into an efficient workout routine. However, the enhanced energy and focus provided by DMAA has seen the dietary supplement become a mechanism…

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DMAA Lawsuit

Dimethylamylamine (DMAA), is a controversial ingredient in several dietary supplements that touts the miraculous ability to increase workout energy and efficiency. However, the use of products containing DMAA has recently become synonymous with catastrophic side effects. Individuals who implement a DMAA regimen may significantly increase their risk of developing severe, life-threatening complications including seizures,…

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Energy Drinks Linked to the Death of a Maryland Girl

It is no secret, strenuous lifestyles practiced by the majority of Americans require a significant, and sometimes infeasible, amount of energy. Accordingly, energy drinks have served as a means by which individuals are able to accomplish the tasks of a demanding schedule. Therefore, the energy drink industry has witnessed a rapid influx of sales…

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