Gianvi® Pulmonary Embolism Lawsuit

As a fourth generation contraceptive, Gianvi combines drospirenone with ethinyl estradiol to assist in the prevention of unwanted pregnancy. However, recent evidence lends weight to the long-suspected link between drospirenone-containing products and severe, life-threatening complications. Women who use Gianvi for a prolonged period of time may significantly increase their risk of developing a pulmonary…

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FDA Inquiry Leads to Hip Implant Phaseout

In continuing with recent trends, bad news continues to surface on behalf of the recent transgressions committed by the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) subsidiary DePuy. According to administrative and corporate records, 2009 witnessed J&J executives initiate a phase out plan that would relinquish their remaining inventories of Articular Surface Replacement (ASR) Hip Systems. However,…

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Duetact® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Intended to regulate blood sugar levels in patients who do not use daily insulin injections, Duetact (generic: glimepiride and pioglitazone) assists in the treatment of type 2 diabetes. However, recent evidence lends weight to the long-suspected link between pioglitazone-containing medications and severe, life-threatening complications. Patients who implement a strict Duetact regimen for a prolonged…

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Bondronat® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Bondronat (generic: risedronate) is used in the regulation of bone formation and breakdown in a patients body. Unfortunately, people who use this medication may be unaware of the hazardous Bondronat side effects that coincide with using it. Patients who use Bondronat may increase their risk of developing a debilitating complication like atypical femur fractures…

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Reclast® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Reclast (generic: zoledronic acid) is indicated for the prevention of osteoporosis and numerous complications that affect bone mass density. Unfortunately, Reclast may increase an individuals risk of developing severe, life-threatening side effects like atypical femur fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ). Reclast lawsuit update: According to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)…

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Actoplus Met XR® Lawsuit

Actoplus Met XR (generic: metformin and pioglitazone) is a prescription medication specifically developed to assist in the regulation of blood sugar levels in those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. In doing so, Actoplus Met XR makes the body more sensitive to the insulin that the body produces naturally. However, the implementation of a strict…

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Gianvi® Blood Clot Lawsuit

Oral contraceptives, otherwise known as birth control pills, are a method in which women are able to lower their risk of becoming pregnant. As a recent addition to the birth control arsenal, Gianvi (generic: drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol) is a fourth generation oral contraceptive that assists in the application of pregnancy prevention. However, the…

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Ocella® Heart Attack Lawyer & Lawsuit

Heart attacks are directly correlated to a lack of blood flow that results in irreparable damage to cardiac tissue. Should the heart be unable to receive nutrients and oxygen from blood for a prolonged period of time, it will eventually fail, resulting in a heart attack. Unfortunately, the the rate in which heart attacks…

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