Topiramate® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Topiramate is prescribed to treat those who suffer from seizures and chronic migraine headaches. It is intended for the prevention of occurrences before they even happen. However, studies have recently linked topiramate to the development of congenital birth defects in newborn babies whose mothers were administered the drug during pregnancy. If you or a…

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Depakote May Be Responsible For Severe, Life-threatening Birth Defects

In an attempt to seek compensation for their pain and suffering, the families of 40 children and one mentally disabled adult, who were all born with congenital birth defects, are pursuing litigation against Abbott Laboratories after the pharmaceutical company allegedly neglected to properly warn consumers about the risks that coincide with the epileptic drug…

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Gianvi® Pancreatitis Lawsuit

As with all fourth generation oral contraceptives, Gianvi utilizes drospirenone to assist in the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. However, Gianvi introduces a second active ingredient, ethinyl estradiol, to further enhance the effects. Unfortunately, recent studies suggest that the inclusion of drospirenone may result in catastrophic complications. Our law firm is currently investigating the potential…

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Hospitals Scrutinized for NovoSeven Off-label Use

Hospitals across the United States have become the subject of intense scrutiny after using the hemophilia drug NovoSeven almost exclusively for off-label purposes. According to a study published by The Annals of Internal Medicine, hospitals all over the country have been using NovoSeven to prevent bleeding over the course of surgery. As a result,…

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Mitral Valve Disease Lawyer & Lawsuit

The rare congenital birth defect referred to as mitral valve disease is characterized by a malfunctioning valve between the left heart chambers. The defective valve either allows blood to leak back through where it originally came from or the valve itself is too narrow to allow sufficient blood flow. Regardless of the defect, mitral…

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Gianvi® Deep Vein Thrombosis Lawsuit

As the generic version of Yaz, Gianvi (drospirenone and ethinyl estradiol) is intended to assist in the prevention of pregnancy in women who choose the method of oral birth control. When used as directed, Gianvi has proven to be 99% effective. However, the introduction of fourth generation contraceptives that contain drospirenone may coincide with…

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SimplyThick Linked to Life-Threatening Conditions in Infants

As a food additive, SimplyThick is indicated to assist in the process of swallowing in those who exhibit a genetic predisposition for dysphagia and infants who are unable to do so on their own. Of significant concern, however, are reports by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cautioning the use of SimplyThick by…

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Mirapex Lawsuit

Similar to that of the naturally occurring chemical dopamine, Mirapex (generic: pramipexole) tablets are indicated to assist in the treatment of symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease and restless leg syndrome (RLS). Of significant concern, however, are recent reports that suggest the possibility of a casual relationship between Mirapex treatment and the development of serious…

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