Heart Valve Disease Lawyer & Lawsuit

Heart valve disease is considered a congenital birth defect that causes the valves in the heart to form abnormally. When these valves ,or cusps as they are often referred to, do not function properly, they can not regulate the proper directional flow of blood. The results of improper blood flow through the heart may…

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Propecia Safety Review Expanded By FDA

Relentless criticism continues to shroud the popular hair growth medication known as Propecia (generic: finasteride). Compounding the already ambiguous situation are several claims that suggest the use of Propecia may coincide with catastrophic complications such as persistent sexual disfunction, depression, and even the development of cancer. The severe nature of these claims have already…

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Progression of the DMAA Controversy

DMAA, otherwise known as Dimethylamylamine, is a popular ingredient that is currently being used in numerous bodybuilding and weight loss supplements around the world. Of significant concern, however, are several clinical trials cautioning consumers of the ambiguous origins of DMAA. While previous studies will have you believe that DMAA is a natural constituent of…

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Recent Study Reveals Additional Pradaxa Risks

Having been prescribed for only a short period of time, Pradaxa has become one of the premier blood thinning agents on the U.S. market. However, recent studies suggest that Pradaxa may irreversibly inhibit the blood clotting cascade responsible for healing injuries to the blood vessels. The debate as to whether Pradaxa benefits outweigh their…

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Fraudulent Dietary Supplement Trends Lead to Increased FDA Warnings

Recent months have witnessed a significant increase in the amount of dietary supplement products that are being permitted on retail store shelves that contain undisclosed and potentially dangerous ingredients; many of which have been found to be active pharmaceutical drugs. In light of the many transgressions occurring within the dietary supplement industry, officials at…

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Pradaxa Treatment May Have Turned a Routine Injury Into a Fatal Hemorrhage

Pradaxa (generic: dabigatran) has recently become a subject of increasing concern in the healthcare community. Compounding the already ambiguous situation is the recent death believed to be linked to Pradaxa use. According to the Journal of Neurosurgery, an elderly man receiving Pradaxa treatment sustained a fatal brain hemorrhage after a routine fall. The journal…

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Oxycodone Birth Defects Lawyer & Lawsuit

Similar to that of morphine, oxycodone is a narcotic pain reliever that is capable of reducing even the most severe bouts of pain. Its fast acting mechanism of action allows it to treat pain immediately and for a prolonged period of time. However, the introduction of a powerful narcotic pain reliever such as oxycodone…

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Transvaginal Mesh Lawsuit Verdict Rules in Favor of Plaintiff For the First Time

In a recent turn of events, Monday witnessed the announcement a groundbreaking verdict that will undoubtedly have an overwhelming effect on the future of vaginal mesh products. For the first time in our nation’s history, a jury has ruled in favor of a plaintiff who claims that she sustained catastrophic injuries following the implantation…

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