Cleft Lip Lawyer & Lawsuit

Cleft lip is a very common congenital birth defect characterized by a split in the upper lip. It is the direct result of underdeveloped facial structures in an unborn baby that do not close completely. Cleft lip can affect one or both sides of the face and may lead to severe, life-threatening complications. In…

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Pfizer Withheld Reports of Adverse Chantix Effects

Questions regarding the adverse psychiatric complications associated with Chantix have long gone unanswered in the healthcare community. However, recent findings add weight to the long-suspected link between Chantix and bouts of uncontrollable rage. It has been reported that Pfizer has failed to properly send hundreds of adverse event reports involving psychiatric problems with Chantix…

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Zometa® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Zometa (generic: zoledronic acid) is a prescription medication used to assist in the treatment of Paget’s disease and osteoporosis, complications in which bone mass density is severely diminished. Unfortunately, patients who use Zometa may drastically increase their risk of developing osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) or suffering from atypical femur fractures. If you or…

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Codeine Birth Defects Lawyer & Lawsuit

Otherwise known as an opiate (narcotic) analgesic, codeine is a prescription medication indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. As one of the most powerful pain relievers available on the U.S. market, codeine’s applications are often extended into the medical field as well. However, the introduction of codeine may serve as a…

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Clubfoot Lawyer & Lawsuit

Clubfoot is a congenital birth defect characterized by a malformed and usually twisted foot. Clubfoot is not uncommon and is an isolated problem for otherwise healthy babies. In this article we will discuss the signs and symptoms, causes, risk factors, complications, and treatments for clubfoot. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed…

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Celexa May Cause Dose-Dependent Abnormal Heart Rhythms

Having already helped millions of patients relieve the symptoms associated with depression and anxiety, Celexa (generic: citalopram) has established itself as one of the premier antidepressant medications of this generation. However, a recent influx of adverse events has caused regulatory agencies around the world to question the safety and efficacy of Celexa. What once…

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California Court: Schools Liable For Hiring Molesters

School districts can be held liable for administrators who learn that an employee may be prone to molesting children but fail to take action to protect students, the state Supreme Court ruled Thursday. The unanimous ruling came in a 2007 case of molestation of a 15-year-old boy by the head guidance counselor at a…

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Acetaminophen Liver Damage Lawyer & Lawsuit

As perhaps one of the most popular over-the-counter medications ever to be used on the U.S. market, acetaminophen is indicated for the treatment of several conditions. However typical applications witness acetaminophen used in the treatment of headaches, muscle aches, arthritis, backaches, toothaches, colds, and fevers. Unfortunately, the introduction of this generic medication has recently…

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