The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP Represents Plaintiff Who Claims He Lost Liver And Kidney To Dietary Supplement
The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP has announced the filing of a complaint in Orange County (California) Superior Court on behalf of a client who developed liver and kidney failure after using a “dietary supplement.” Daniel Lineberger, developed acute liver failure after ingesting a dietary supplement that was subsequently the subject of an FDA investigation…
Litigation Continues to Pursue GlaxoSmithKline Over Avandia
A deluge of Avandia lawsuits persists in adding weight to GlaxoSmithKline’s (GSK) long-suspected link between Avandia and patients experiencing adverse heart effects. In the wake of these accusations, GSK continues to face intense public scrutiny as Avandia lawsuits continue to be filed. Litigation persists because experts have estimated between 60,000 and 200,000 people have…
Chantix Is No Longer Subsidized In France
Pfizer has once again become the target of intense public scrutiny after issues regarding serious and potentially life-threatning psychological side effects of Chantix continue to plague those who only wish to stop smoking. As a result, French Health Minister Xavier Bertrand announced that Chantix shall no longer be subsidized in the country. His reasoning…
Drospirenone In Birth Control Pills Has Been Linked To Blood Clots
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently released a report regarding the adverse health effects associated with fourth generation contraceptives. The birth control pills in question include Yaz, Ocella, Yasmin, Beyaz, Safyral, and their generic forms. All of which contain the same active ingredient, drospirenone. Drospirenone prevents the ovulation process in women by…
XenMatrix® Recall Lawyer & Lawsuit
On January 11, 2011 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a nationwide recall of Davol’s XenMatrix hernia and abdominal surgical graft, after it failed to meet industry standards for endotoxin levels. The FDA notified healthcare professionals that several lots of XenMatrix Surgical Graft have been found to have elevated endotoxin levels. Endotoxins…
United States Army Conducts Investigation to Determine the Safety and Efficacy of DMAA Products
Jack3d and OxyElite Pro have become popular with athletes because they contain dimethylamylamine (DMAA), an ingredient that is allegedly capable of increasing energy, concentration and metabolism. However, these dietary supplements have been linked to the deaths of two soldiers in the United States Army. Both soldiers, each of whom took the ambiguous dietary supplements,…
Midwest Folding Products Stage & Riser Caddy Recall Lawsuit
The Stage and Caddy Riser, manufactured by Midwest Folding Products, was designed with the intentions of storing and transporting up to six stages and risers. Of significant concern, however, are recent reports that caution consumers of the dangers associated with Midwest Folding Products Stage & Riser Caddys. According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety…
Energy Drinks Pose A Severe Health Risk For Children
A new report issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) scrutinized the onslaught of energy drinks that are flooding the U.S. market. In the June issue ofPediatrics, healthcare professionals acknowledge and warn of the risks associated with energy drinks. In particular, children and adolescents may be exposed to highly concentrated amounts of harmful…