Yaz Accused of Wrongful Death After Teen Dies

Bayer has become the target of yet another lawsuit that was filed on May 10. The plaintiff, mother of 18 year old Michelle Pfleger who died from a pulmonary embolism, alleges that Bayer’s Yaz birth control was the cause of her daughters death. At the time of her death Michelle was using Yaz to…

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Microstream CO2 Filterline Lawyer & Lawsuit

Microstream CO2 Filterline medical devices are intended to measure carbon dioxide levels that are exhaled by infants over the course of ventilation. However, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) acknowledged a problem with the devices that may cause serious injury or death to newborns or infants. As a result, the FDA has requested…

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Homeopathic Products Generate Huge Sales Despite Lack of Evidence that they Work

Homeopathy, often referred to as homeopathic medicine, was developed in Germany over 200 years ago as holistic medical system. This unique method seeks to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself by giving small doses of extremely diluted substances. The theory behind homeopathy relies on two main principals. The first being the principal of…

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Esophageal Stenosis Lawyer & Lawsuit

Esophageal stenosis is a congenital birth defect characterized by the narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus that inhibits the process of transporting fluids and foods from the mouth to the stomach. When the esophagus gets damaged, scar tissue builds up and impedes this process. In this article we will discuss the signs and…

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Transposition of the Great Arteries Lawyer & Lawsuit

Transposition of the great arteries is a rare but serious congenital birth defect in which the hearts two main arteries are reversed. The transposition of these two arteries greatly affects the circulation of oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. Without a sufficient supply of oxygen-rich blood, the body will not be able to function properly….

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Inflammatory Bowel Disease® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) refers to a group of chronic disorders that affect the intestines: ulcerative colitis and Chron’s disease. These disorders cause severe and potentially fatal side effects. While both share many similarities, there are distinct differences that separate the two. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel…

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Thermographic Imaging Lawyer & Lawsuit

Thermographic imaging systems have been used by healthcare professionals to indicate patterns of heat and blood flow near the surface of the body. However, some healthcare providers have also utilized the devices to screen and diagnose breast cancer. Unfortunately, thermographic imaging systems do not provide patients with a comprehensive test. Despite widely publicized claims…

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The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP Represents Plaintiff Who Claims He Lost Liver And Kidney To Dietary Supplement

The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP has announced the filing of a complaint in Orange County (California) Superior Court on behalf of a client who developed liver and kidney failure after using a “dietary supplement.” Daniel Lineberger, developed acute liver failure after ingesting a dietary supplement that was subsequently the subject of an FDA investigation…

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