Calcium Supplement Lawyer & Lawsuit

Calcium supplements are typically consumed as a means of preserving bone dexterity for patients who show signs of a weakened skeletal structure. Unfortunately, patients who take them, may not know about the dangerous side effects of calcium supplements. Those who use calcium supplements may greatly increase their risk of suffering from cardiovascular problems like…

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Dexilant® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Dexilant (generic: dexlansoprazole) is intended to assist in the treatment of persistent heartburn related to acid reflux disease. However, 8 week regimens of Dexilant are also prescribed to heal acid-related damage to the lining of the esophagus. Unfortunately, Dexilant may be responsible for catastrophic and debilitating side effects. Patients who are taking multiple daily…

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Loryna® Stroke Lawyer & Lawsuit

Please note, The Senators (Ret.) Firm, LLP is no longer accepting Loryna claims. If you feel that you may have a potential case, we urge you to locate another law firm adequately suited to handle your claim. In the event that the brain does not receive an adequate supply of blood, corresponding brain cells…

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Michelin Tire Recall Lawsuit

Michelin, a leader in the automotive industry, has developed a reputation for providing superior tires that excel in categories such as breaking, handling and fuel efficiency. However, the popular tire manufacturer was recently forced to conduct a nationwide recall because select models exhibited an increased propensity for tread separation and subsequent air loss. As…

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Investigation by The Senators Firm Reveals Illegal Steroid Diet Supplements Sold Openly On Craigslist

In the wake of increasing reports of illicit sales of steroid-containing “dietary supplements,” as well as reports of injuries such as liver failure associated with such products, The Senators (Ret.) Firm announced the results of an informal investigation into steroid sales through major online communities. A review of advertisements posted on Southern California Craigslist…

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Multi-State Meningitis Outbreak Continues to Grow

As predicted by several government regulatory agencies, a multi-state meningitis outbreak continues to threaten those who received an injectable steroid produced and distributed by New England Compounding Center (NECC). Of significant concern, however, is the rate in which patients are developing this fungal infection. The number of people diagnosed with fungal meningitis following the…

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Legal Reform Calls For Increased Institutional Liability in Sexual Abuse Cases

While the atrocities that shook the foundation of Penn State University continue to resonate throughout the country, proponents of legal reform have begun to question the limits of institutional liability in California. The influx of sexual abuse cases harbored by private organizations has forced state lawmakers to reevaluate their stance on the prosecution of…

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Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome Lawyer & Lawsuit

Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a rare congenital birth defect that is characterized by a critically underdeveloped left side of the heart. As a result, the right side of the heart must work harder in pumping blood to both lungs in order to compensate for the left sides inefficiency. In this article we…

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