European Medical Agency Acknowledges the Link Between Actos and Bladder Cancer

European health officials have officially acknowledged the long-suspected link between Actos and severe bladder cancer. Just one month after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) indicated that warnings about potential Actos bladder cancer risks would be added to the labels here in the United States, European medical officials called for new warnings about…

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Boniva® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Boniva (generic: ibandronate) plays a vital role in altering the cycle of bone formation and breakdown in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis. However, the use of Boniva may increase the risk of patients developing debilitating complications like low energy femur fractures and osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ). If you or a loved one has been…

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Yasmin Lawsuit Settlements Continue to Rise

Bayer Healthcare, a prominent member of the pharmaceutical industry, has once again found themselves at the center of increasing criticism. Subsequently, the international company has witnessed a barrage of litigation come against them in recent years. Of particular significance, however, are the amount of lawsuit settlements that have been associated with their popular contraceptive…

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Metal-on-Metal Hip Replacements May Cause Catastrophic Side Effects

On May 6, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mailed 145 post market surveillance orders with the intentions of reaching 21 different hip replacement manufactures. Among the recipients were world renowned corporations including Zimmer and Stryker orthopedic companies. The intentions of the letter were resilient in their request that each of the companies…

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Propecia Study Acknowledges Potential Link to Sexual Side Effects

Criticism regarding the use of Propecia (generic: finasteride) continues to increase with each passing day. Subsequently, the once popular hair-loss drug has become synonymous with the development of several sexual side effects. Of significant concern to those that have taken Propecia, is a recent study conducted by researchers at George Washington University. According to…

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ViaXtreme Recall Lawyer & Lawsuit

ViaXtreme Ultimate Sexual Enhancer Dietary Supplement promises men a more pleasurable sexual experience. However, recent studies conducted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have revealed that the dietary supplement contains sulfoaildenafil methanesulfonate, sulfosildenafil and dimethylsildenafil analogs of sildenafil. Each of which are absent from the product label and may also pose as…

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Benzocaine Lawyer & Lawsuit

Benzocaine Topical Products are manufactured as both a numbing agent during surgical procedures and an over-the-counter pain reliever. Unfortunately, mounting evidence against Benzocaine suggests that the topical solution, in both spray and gel form, may be responsible for patients developing methemoglobinemia, a rare but potentially fatal blood disorder. In infants, the disorder is known…

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Transvaginal Mesh May Increase Exposure to Significant Risks

In a recent safety communication, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proceeded to warn the healthcare community that surgical placement of mesh through the vagina to repair pelvic organ prolapse (POP) may coincide with catastrophic and unnecessary side effects. On July 13, 2011, an official FDA News Release acknowledged the risks associated with…

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