Low Staffing Levels at Nursing Homes May Lead to Increased Infection Rates

Researchers have recently discovered a direct correlation between nursing home staffing levels and infection citations. Every year, roughly 15% of all nursing homes in the United States receive citations for their lack of commitment to infection prevention. According to the recently released study, this staggering fact is due to low staffing levels and harried…

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BPA May Be Responsible For Respiratory Complications In Newborns

Originally developed as a form of synthetic estrogen, bisphenol (BPA) is used in the manufacturing process of many consumer products including bottles, cups, can liners, baby products and other food containers. BPA was chemically engineered to enable plastics to retain rigidity and prevent them from shattering. Unfortunately, pregnant women exposed to concentrated levels of…

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Release of Documents Details Past Accounts of Clergy Sexual Abuse

In continuing with the sordid tradition of sexual abuse that has taken place within the Roman Catholic priesthood, transgressions by sexual predators persist to burden society. Subsequently, Wednesday witnessed the release of several detailed accounts of priest abuse that had previously been kept from the public. Thousands of pages of incriminating evidence, detailing the…

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Zegerid® Lawyer & Lawsuit

Zegerid (generic: omeprazole and sodium bicarbonate) is a duel-ingredient heartburn medication that prohibits the reflux of excessive stomach acid into the esophagus. Unfortunately, patients who use this medication, may be doing so without knowing about potentially dangerous Zegerid side effects. An increased rate of Zegerid bone fracture has become synonymous with this medication. If…

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J&J Allegedly Misled Doctors to Increase Sales

Pharmaceutical powerhouse Johnson & Johnson (J&J) continues to defend against a barrage of lawsuits pertaining to their Risperdal marketing campaigns. In the latest case, lawyers representing the state of South Carolina are alleging that J&J’s Ortho-McNeil-Janssen Pharmaceuticals division engaged in “unfair and deceptive acts”. The acts in question regard a letter that was sent…

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Stryker Neptune Recall Lawsuit

Neptune Waste Management Systems, developed by Stryker, are medical devices indicated for the disposal of fluid waste. These devices collect surgical waste in the operating room and quickly dispose of the subsequent fluids. Of significant concern, however, are the serious injuries that may occur while using these devices. Two serious injuries have resulted from…

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Operation Pangea V Cracks Down on Illegal Practices Within the Dietary Supplement Industry

Transgressions committed by companies within the dietary supplement industry continue to place millions of U.S. consumers at unnecessary risks every day. Recent years have witnessed an exponential increase in the amount of approved pharmaceutical ingredients being added to dietary supplements. As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has taken it upon…

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Topamax® Linked to Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has recently strengthened their initial warning on the anticonvulsant drug Topamax. The strengthened warning is a direct result of new data that suggests Topamax may increase the risk of congenital birth defects in children like cleft lip and/or palate, and other birth defects. If you or a…

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