Steroid Use Among Teenagers

The drive to be a better athlete or the desire to be more “attractive” have prompted many teenagers across the United States to turn to steroids to help them get where they think they need to be. Unfortunately, the consequences of relying on steroids to enhance athletic performance or boost the physique have proven…

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Herbal Supplements: Are They What They Seem?

Annually, Americans spend about $5 billion on unproven herbal supplements. Hoping to fight the common cold or boost memory naturally, many individuals have eagerly turned to these types of homeopathic substances. However, what the industry has failed to convey to consumers is the fact that many of the same pills that have been classified…

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Manufacturer of Leukemia Drug Iclusig Asked to Suspend Marketing & Sales by FDA

Last Thursday, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that manufacturer Ariad Pharmaceuticals agreed to suspend its marketing and sales of the leukemia drug Iclusig. The announcement follows an intense investigation conducted by the FDA in which it was discovered that the drug can cause an increased frequency of blood clots and…

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Is Popular Energy Drink Red Bull Behind Brooklyn Man’s Death?

In what is believed to be the first wrongful death lawsuit ever to be made against the energy drink known as Red Bull, $85 million will be sought on behalf of a Brooklyn man who allegedly lost his life from drinking the energy-inducing product. C. Terry, aged 33, lost this life in 2011 after…

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Five People Hospitalized from “Vortex” Ride Mishap at the North Carolina State Fair

The North Carolina State Fair will soon be investigated for the accident that occurred on the grounds last night leaving five people injured. On Thursday night, October 24th, one of the fair’s popular rides known as the Vortex unexpectedly restarted while riders were still exiting the attraction. Popular for its infamous flips and twirls,…

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Warnings Against OxyElite Pro Now Coming from Australia and New Zealand

The pre-workout sports supplement OxyElite Pro has recently come under a lot of heat for its connection to the outbreak of acute non-viral hepatitis and liver damage. According to one CDC report, OxyElite Pro has been associated with a number of reported cases of liver damage in Hawaii – two cases of which required…

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Banned, Illegal Drugs Still Available on Beware of Dietary Supplements Sold Online

Recent information from the Catlin Consortium (a group of organizations dedicated to protecting consumers and athletes from dangerous over-the-counter products) reveals that many products that have been banned or deemed as illegal are still being marketed and sold on For decades, prohormones, designer steroids, and disguised steroids have appeared in dietary and body…

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Another Warning from the FDA Speaks Against the Use of Nizoral

Less than a week ago, an online advisory notice was posted by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning both pharmaceutical researches and drug companies alike against the use oral ketoconazole in their trials and examinations of between-drug interactions. Nizoral, the brand name for oral ketoconazole, has been connected to instances of adrenal gland…

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