Men Taking Testosterone May Not Need It, Study Shows

Research shows a sharp increase in the number of older men taking testosterone medication in the past decade. According to a new study, some of these patients may be using taking testosterone when they don’t actually need it. In fact, researchers believe that many “low T” patients are taking testosterone even though they fail…

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Testosterone Replacement May Increase Risk of Stroke, Heart Attack, Death

A new study revealed that popular testosterone replacement products may boost risk of heart attack, stroke, and death. Low testosterone treatments are growing in popularity as testosterone manufacturers continue to drive aggressive marketing campaigns and advertising; however, men suffering from “low T” may want to consider the possible risks before getting a prescription. In…

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Prenatal Exposure to SSRIs Could Increase Risk of Infant Pulmonary Hypertension, According to Recent BMJ Article

In an article published by BMJ earlier this week, the link between the use of certain serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) during pregnancy and the later development of pulmonary hypertension in newborns was examined. The findings of the study identified an important association between late-pregnancy exposure to SSRIs and the statistical likelihood of pulmonary hypertension…

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Risk of Liver Damage When Taking Doses of Acetaminophen Over 325mg

Are the pain relievers that you’ve been taking really as safe as they claim to be? At-home remedies such as Extra Strength Tylenol that contain acetaminophen are now being called into question by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As has been indicated by the FDA, the common ingredient in many pain…

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Reverend Michael Kelly Indicted by Calaveras County Grand Jury

Longtime Priest Michael Kelly has been indicted by the Calaveras County grand jury on three counts of lewd and lascivious conduct on a child and one count of oral copulation with a child. The native of Ireland, who spent years working at the Stockton Diocese, fled to his homeland in April of 2012 after…

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FDA Warns Against Exceeding Recommended Doses of Over-the-Counter Sodium Phosphate Products for Constipation

In a warning issued last week, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) suggested that the use of over-the-counter (OTC) sodium phosphate drugs for the treatment of constipation should not exceed the allotted dose per 24 hours. According to the FDA, rare but serious damage to the heart and kidneys can occur in…

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Deceptive Weight-Loss Products Now Under Scrutiny from the FTC

On Tuesday, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced its enforcement of actions that will be taken against four major weight-loss companies in the United States. According to the FTC, each of these companies is guilty of falsely luring customers into purchasing their weight-loss products through advertisements that are no more than empty promises and…

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New FDA Warning Against Dietary Supplement Mass Destruction

The dietary supplement for muscle growth known as Mass Destruction is not safe for consumption, warned the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) earlier this week. Following an alert from the North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, the FDA immediately issued a warning against use of the product. Mass Destruction, which…

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