How Can Pursuing Legal Action Help You Heal from Sexual Abuse? 

Filing a lawsuit against those who hurt you is a personal decision. No one can force you to do so, but you should understand all of your rights to do so. It is also a good idea to consider what taking this legal action could mean for your healing process. It is always wise to speak to a mental health counselor and to ensure you fully understand what your emotional well-being is. Talk to a California adult sexual abuse lawyer from The Senators Firm today.

The Benefits of Filing a Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

Filing a personal injury lawsuit against someone who sexually abused you can provide you with various potential benefits. The personal benefits are the most important to consider. For some, it may help you in several ways:

  • It provides a chance for you to tell your story of what occurred and what you went through during this process.
  • It may help you gain a sense of empowerment, taking that back from the person that hurt you.
  • Taking legal action allows you to confront the abuser. For some people, that is a symbol of fighting back and taking back control over your thoughts and feelings, as well as what happens in your future.
  • It may allow you to gain support from the community that you need right now.
  • Depending on your mental state, it may help you to boost your recovery by allowing your brain to move on from this trauma.

In every situation, you should carefully consider the good and bad that can come from this action.

Do not overlook how pursuing legal action against someone who sexually abused you could help you in other ways. For example, seeking legal assistance and damages for your losses may help you gain some of the financial security you need so you can focus on your mental health and well-being. Those damages may help you seek out the very best level of care, allow you to move on with your life, and provide you with a way to rebuild without limitations.

Personal Injury Compensation After Sexual Abuse

Seeking legal action against a person who caused you this type of harm requires careful attention to your individual needs. Your attorney will provide you with support as you try to determine the value of those losses. Some examples of the damages you may be able to seek in a case like this include:

  • Mental health care needs and all costs related to your mental health care recovery
  • Medical expense coverage for any physical injuries you have, testing, and follow-up care
  • Emotional distress
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder and depression
  • Loss of quality of life
  • Loss of relationships

The losses you face are very specific to your situation. With the aid of an experienced attorney who has fought cases of sexual abuse like this, you may be able to finally move forward in your life, no longer feeling like the victim. With the help of emotional support professionals, it is possible to recover and lead a happy and healthy life as a result.